2023.04.16 - Zion Ultra 50K

2023.04.16 - Zion Ultra 50K

My Training Schedule

Free Training Programs for Half Marathons & Ultra Marathons – Vacation Races

Following the schedule provided by Vacation Races, the race organizer for the Zion Ultra (link above).  Below are the exercises recommended by Stephanie Weigel in a structured training program to help racers get ready for their first 50K (and beyond).

Stephanie is a former Ultra Adventures Ambassador, Certified Trainer, RRCA Running Coach, and USAT Triathlon Coach. She enjoys sharing her passion for trail running, especially with newcomers just discovering the sport, and has been kind enough to create a 4 month training plan geared towards the first time 50K runner. (Note: I am starting late, so not utilizing the full 4 month schedule)

Race Course & Description

Zion Ultra Marathons – Vacation Races

Race Start Date: Sunday, April 16th, 2023
Race Start Time: 6:00 - 6:30am MT (rolling start)

Course Time Limit: 11 hours

The 50K course heads west on a double track dirt road toward Gooseberry Mesa until you hit the Goosebump Aid Station (mile 5.2). From here you will begin running on one of the more iconic trail sections of this course- Gooseberry Mesa. This is a beautiful single track trail section with amazing views of Zion and the beautiful areas surrounding it. Make sure and pay attention to the trail on this section. There will be a lot of single track mtn. biking trails that will be marked with white dots on the rocks. Even though most of the trail coincides with the white dots, there are sections where we will deviate to different trails. Our course will be marked with pink ribbons. So always follow the pink ribbons. This loop will be run in a counterclockwise direction. You will hit the next aid station (Gooseberry Aid) at mile 14, about half way through the loop.

Upon your return to your second pass at the Goosebump Aid Station (mile 17.8) you will then head back on the same double track you started on toward the Start/Finish area. We will have an area close to the finish line where crew access will be available (mile 22.7). This is a great place for your friends and family to cheer you on and for a crew member to assist you if needed. At the junction, you will turn left to head downhill on a dirt road to Grafton Mesa Aid (mile 23.9).

You will run the Grafton Mesa Trail loop in a counterclockwise direction. Though this loop is technical in some areas, it’s still very runnable with beautiful views to enjoy. After the loop, you will pass through Grafton Mesa Aid (mile 29.3) for a second time before your final short- but steep section of dirt road back to the finish line.

Timing Requirements

Overall Cutoff Times

You must complete your race within the respective cutoff time, otherwise, you will receive a DNF. Your time begins when you cross the start mat, so pay attention to YOUR individual start time and not just your starting window when assessing your progress throughout the race.

100 mile, Overall cutoff - 36 hours
100K, Overall cutoff - 21.5 hours
50K, Overall cutoff - 11 hours
Trail Half Marathon cutoff - 4.5 hours

Minimum Paces (Guidelines only)

Below is a timing guide to help you gauge your progress throughout the race. Beating these times during training will help you avoid a DNF. If you find yourself consistently behind these minimums, your chances of finishing before the official close of the race are slim. Finishing after the minimum pace time or outside of your overall cutoff time will result in a DNF.

If you do not meet these minimum times, you may be allowed to continue the race at the discretion of race officials. Race officials will consider runner health, extraction resources/accessibility, grim reaper times, etc. to make this determination.

Don't Fear the Reaper!

Grim Reaper deadlines are cutoff times that result in a DNF and removal from the course if you miss the cutoff time. Even if missed by one second, these deadlines are non-negotiable and exceptions will not be made.

A race official will be onsite to ensure all runners are past checkpoints before the Grim Reaper. You must EXIT the checkpoint before the posted Grim Reaper time to beat it. These cutoff times are shown in the cutoff sheet.

Competing for a Top Finisher spot?

While qualifying times are based on chip time (the moment you cross the start mat), overall top finisher awards are based on gun time. If competing for a top spot, you will need to be at the start line at the beginning of your race's 20-30 minute start window.

When competing for these top spots and starting before the official race start, you will have more of a buffer to beat aid station cutoff times. This does not mean that you have more time to complete the overall race. Regardless of when you start, you must complete your race within the allotted overall cutoff time (i.e. 30 hours).

2022 Zion Ultra Cutoff Times
2022 Minimum Pace Times Zion Ultras Cutoffs - 100 MIle,Crew Access,Drop Bag Access,Zion 100 Mileage,Grim Reaper,Minimum Pace ,Distance from previous Aid,Minutes,Pace,DifficultyStart 5:00am - 5:30am,Yes,Yes,0, 5:30 AM Saturday,DifficultyGoosebump Aid 1,No,Yes,5.2, 7:09 AM Saturday,5.2,1:39:35,...
Click above to review full list of all cutoff times.

Race Day Rules

Please review these guidelines so you know what to expect during the race!

Course Marking
For course marking all distances/courses will be marked with pink flags and ribbons. Any tricky junctions will be marked well with signs and flour arrows. A piece of highly reflective tape is attached to each trail marker that may be encountered at night.

Checking in at aid stations
It is the responsibility of the runner to check in at each aid station (coming in only, no need to check out of the aid station). Seek out the aid station worker wearing the fluorescent orange vest and give them your bib number. Failure to check in at an aid station can result in disqualification. If you drop out of the race YOU MUST TURN IN YOUR BIB TO THE NEAREST AID STATION CAPTAIN. If you fail to do this, you will be responsible for all related search party costs.

Timing Checkpoints
Depending on which distance you are running, you will find checkpoints at the following aid stations: Goosebump, Wire Mesa, Virgin Desert, Smith Mesa, and Guacamole Aid Stations. We will have a short corral that all runners MUST pass through upon arrival at the aid station on each pass. Failure to do so will result in disqualification from the race.

Any runner dropping out of the race MUST hand their bib over to the aid station captain where they are dropping. Failure to do so will result in a 2 year suspension from all Vacation Races events.

At each aid station there will be a tent with self serve medical items like bandaids, salt tabs, etc. We will have trained medical personnel at the finish line as well as at Goosebump, Virgin Desert, and Virgin BMX Aid Stations. If you find yourself in an emergency, call 911. You will be personally responsible for any costs associated with medical dispatch. If the problems are not urgent, please contact race personnel. We are equipped to respond quickly to problems on course that are not life threateningly urgent.

Due to the remote area of where the races run, this is not a very spectator-friendly event. The course and trails purposely get runners out into desert solitude while offering fantastic views of Zion. There are only a few spots to watch and cheer on runners. Virgin Desert A.S. and Virgin BMX Aid Station are both good places. Please be courteous and cautious while driving to these locations as runners may be on the same road that leads to the aid stations. Also, check with HQ before trying to access these locations if precipitation occurs. Of course, the finish line is one of the best places to cheer on the finishers.

Drop Bags

For any ultra marathon distance you may use drop bags. You can leave a drop bag at designated aid stations. Please observe the following rules:

  • All bags must be labeled with name, bib # (in large print), aid station, and race distance. Optional, but a good idea if your label comes off, is a card inside with the same information and contact information. Please label your bags the day before the race on your own or at check in.
  • 100 mile & 100K drop bags must be left in the designated drop off location (near the start line) by 8pm the night before the race.
  • 50K drop bags must be dropped off by 2pm on Saturday before their Sunday race start.
  • No valuables or fragile items in your drop bags. We are not responsible for any lost/stolen items.
  • Watch the weather forecast. If there is any chance of rain, place your items in zip lock bags inside of your drop bag.
  • Minimum size: Gallon size freezer zip lock. No grocery store plastic bags or garbage bags.
  • Maximum size: Shoe box size for single pass and daytime aid stations. Small duffle or small carry on for multiple pass aid stations.
Getting Your Drop Bag Back

Generally all bags come back about 90 minutes after the aid station fully closes (all distances that pass through it). There will be a "Return to Finish Line" area at all aid stations that allow drop bags. This is an area where you can place your drop bag after you no longer need it from that particular location and we will try to get it back early if possible. You must place the bag in this area. Crew or volunteers are not allowed to sort through them in order to reduce the risk of a drop bag inadvertently being returned to the start line.

If you do not want to stick around, we can mail your drop bags to you after the race for $15 per bag.

Aid Stations

Hours - Aid stations will close according to the posted minimum pace time. If you pass through after that time, the aid station may no longer be stocked.

Medic - At our busiest aid stations we try and staff a medical volunteer to help with larger issues. See your race guide for more details.

All aid stations have composting toilets.

Food & Supplies

  • Water
  • Gnarly Fuel2O
  • Fresh-cut fruit
  • Soda
  • A variety of both salty and sweet items

Starting at the Virgin Desert Aid Station (mile 25.8) and on we will also have additional food and supplies which may include:

  • Boiled potatoes
  • Tortillas w/ Nutella
  • PB&J
  • Turkey sandwiches
  • Dill pickles
  • Chips
  • A variety of candies
  • An anti-chafing agent
  • Sunscreen
  • First Aid supplies

We will also have a limited supply of:

  • Gels
  • Salt caps
  • Electrolyte caps

Bib Pickup

You have a couple of options for picking up your bib and race packet. When you register, we ask you to indicate when you plan to pick up your bib. If you plans change, don’t worry about it. We only ask to help us plan in terms of numbers.

Option #1: Race Expo (recommended)
Race expos are typically held the Friday before a race. They last for 5-7 hours and are your best chance to pickup a bib and ask our team questions.

Option #2: Race Morning (not recommended)
We will have limited race morning packet pickup. If it can be avoided, please do not pick your packet up the morning of the race.

Option #3: Shipped Before the Race
There is a cost of $30 if you want to have your bib and shirt mailed to you. You can add a shipped bib to your registration until one month before the race by logging into RunSignup, clicking Manage Registration, and Add Ons.

Refunds: Once your package is shipped, you are officially checked in to the race and no longer qualify for our refund, deferment, or transfer options.